Wed 08 Jan
TEXAS Hottie! WeLL Reviewed ___ Exotic Coca Bottle Dominican Creole/W A 40inch Booty! 817-805-3195 - 25
(Outs las Vegas / serounding areas)
💋♥💋** Special $99 .. IVY... Your BUSTY Curvaceous THICK BOOTY Blonde $99 Special💋🌟♥🌟♥💋 - 25
Tue 07 Jan
#Sexy MILF 💎👠👠💎50 is the new 40 BLONDE MILF 💯%real or FREE ⚽️SOCCER MOM/ 44E bIG BOOBS - 49
(East, Henderson, Las Vegas, North, NorthWest, South, SouthWest)
~ ☆ ~ SEXY, Lively, SWEET, & Fun! EXPIERIENCE true SATISFACTION! Real & NEW PICS ~ ☆ ~ - 26
(Vegas..It's ME or its FREE!! Out/IN)
* * * * * * * P R E T T Y . W O M A N * * * * * * * (in-call) - 38
(Las vegas, IN-CALL (Sahara/Rancho) IN-CALL)
(Las Vegas, INCALL rainbow/flamingo)
*✬* WaRm &CrEaMy; DrEaM CoMe TrUe *So HeAvEnLy& DeLiCiOuS*I CaN GrAnt YoUr WiShEs✬ ° * - 19
(Incall-Henderson/Outcall-Las Vegas)
MATURE 39 ## *************** SIMPLY STUNNING !!! BRUNETTE ************** 702-509-3239 ** LATIN *** - 39
(Las Vegas, Nv)
MATURE 39 ########### SIMPLY STUNNING ** STOCKINGS AND HEELS ! ############ 702-509-3239 #### LATIN - 39
(Las Vegas, Nv)
. . . . M I L K . & . C O O K I E S ? . . . . (in-call) - 38
(Las vegas, IN-CALL ( rainbow/95 ) IN-CALL)
MATURE 39 ************** GUARANTEED ME !!! NO GAMES !!! I AM REAL !! ************** 702-509-3239 *** - 39
(Las Vegas , Nv)
*** Hot Young Blonde *** + *** + *** If Its Not Me I Will Entertain You For Free !!** - 21
Mon 06 Jan
°°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» SiMpLy☆ °°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» BrEaTh TaK inG; °°* »-(¯`v´¯) - - 22
tired of the saame old girls here EVERY NIGHT? My first week in town. Hard Body Brunette!!! - 22
(SinCity baby!! out only)
Soccer mom✅🔮 OUT CAll ✅🔮44FF BOOBS✅🔮curvy mature & sexy ✅🔮blonde MILF ✅🔮✅REAL or I'm FREE 🔮🔮 - 45
(incall/ outcall 702 931-7179✅✅✅✅✅, Las Vegas, South)
~ ☆ ~ SEXY, Lively, SWEET, & Fun! EXPIERIENCE true SATISFACTION! Real & NEW PICS ~ ☆ ~ - 26
(Vegas..It's ME or its FREE!! Out/IN)
real soccer mom. blonde MILF ❤💙💋💙❤REAL or I'm FREE 💙flat donation❤ / no tipping ❤❤❤💋❤ - 45
(incall/ outcall 702 931-7179🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀, Las Vegas, South)
( ReaL PiCS ) ★ ☆ ***PLaTiNuM BL0NDE*** ★ ☆ All NaTuRaL 34DDs ★ ☆ 80Special - 23
(Las Vegas, Incall S Las Vegas Blvd/ Outcall)
* * * * * * * P R E T T Y . W O M A N * * * * * * * (in-call) - 38
(Las vegas, IN-CALL (Sahara/Rancho) IN-CALL)
NeW PiCS 34DDs All Natural! •BeAuTiFuL↓ E¥e CanD¥ •*♡ 【TOP NOTCH¤ BLoNDe ♡ 80QK - 23
(Las Vegas, Incall Outcall)
NeW PiCS 34DDs All Natural! •BeAuTiFuL↓ E¥e CanD¥ •*♡ 【TOP NOTCH¤ BLoNDe ♡ 80Special - 23
(Las Vegas, Incall Outcall)
MATURE 39 ************* STOCKINGS AND HEELS ! ! ! GUARANTEED ME ! !************* 702-509-3239 LATIN - 39
(Las Vegas, Nv)
~~~~ Jeanie in a bottle ~~~ HOTT BODY BRUNETTE.. Come RUB ME the Right Way!!REAL PIX!! - 23
(Las Vegas, LV- Your place)
[[[ 34DD ## BuSTy ## BlOnDe! ]] =!! !!= !! 1000% iNDePeNDeNT!! (((100 SPeCiaL))) ALL NATURAL! - 23
(Las Vegas, Incall BY STRIP 100% REAL & RECENT PICS)
°°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» SiMpLy☆ °°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» BrEaTh TaK inG; °°* »-(¯`v´¯) - - 22
MATURE 39 *************** STOCKINGS AND HEELS !!! GUARANTEED ME !! *************** ### 702-509-3239 - 39
(Las Vegas, Nv)
MATURE 39 ~~~~~~~~~~~ SIMPLY STUNNING-- STOCKINGS N HEELS ~~~~~~~~~~ 702-509-3239 ~~~LATIN ~~ - 39
(Las Vegas, Nv)
***** Hot Sexy young ***** Incall/Outcall ***** Blonde And Beautiful ***** Nice N Petite ** - 21
GORGEOUS . MATURE . PLAYMATE * * * * * private . hot . tub * * * * * * DISCREET . UPSCALE . IN-CALL - 38
(Las vegas, IN-CALL* IN-CALL* IN-CALL(rainbow/95))
★ 120 SPeCiaL ★ > L {✰} {✰} K > ★ iNDePeNDeNT PeTiTe {{ BLONDE }} - 21
Sun 05 Jan
★★100 Specials ★New in town ★ Vegas Strip Asian Sexy *** CALL ME 773-627-3884 ★ - - 28
(Las Vegas, Vegas Strip incall/outcall)
My husband is cheating on me and I need some Revenge Sex!! Can u help will be fun :)
(I can Host)
Tawny Ocean ItalianXXXstar I have 3 spaces open one is for you !!! Cameras, Action AND LETS ROLL! - 37
(incall in Summerlin)
REaL PiCS w/ PR00F ♡ READy N0W ♡♥♡REaL BL0NDE BARBlE ♡♥♡Natural 34DDs ♡♥♡ 100SPeCiaL! - 23
(Las Vegas, Incall(100)/Outcall(200) by strip)
* * P R E T T Y * P A S S I O N A T E * P L A Y F U L * * * ( In -call ) - 36
(IN-CALL ( Sahara / Rancho))
⭕MILF ⭕👠👠new pics⭕50 is the new 40⭕ BLONDE MILF 💯%real or FREE ⭕⭕ ⭕⚽️SOCCER MOM⭕⭕⭕44E bIG BOOBS⭕⭕⭕ - 48
(incall by BALLYS⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕, Las Vegas, NorthWest)
MATURE 39 *************** STOCKINGS AND HEELS !! NO DRAMA, NO GAMES !!! *************** 702-509-3239 - 39
(Las Vegas ,Nv)
**MATURE 39 *********** ABSOLUTELY NOT FAKE PICS !! STUNNING GIRL..!! *********** 702-509-3239 LATIN - 39
(Las Vegas ,Nv)
**MATURE 39 ************** STUNNING==NO GAMES !!== MY REAL PICS. ************ 702-509-3239 ** LATIN - 39
(Las Vegas, Nv)
MATURE 39 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ SIMPLY STUNNING !! ~~ NO GAMES !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 702-509-3239 ~~~~~~~~ LATIN - 39
(Las Vegas, Nv)
** MATURE 39 ************* NO GAMES = ABSOLUTELY MY REAL PICS == STUNNING !! ********** 702-509-3239 - 39
(Las Vegas, Nv)
* * * * * * * * * M I L K . A N D . C O O K I E S ? * * * * * * * * (my place) - 36
(IN-CALL (Rainbow/95))
DO YOU DESERVE THE BEST?? ??? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? - 24
★★100 Specials ★New in town ★ Vegas Strip Asian Sexy *** CALL ME 773-627-3884 ★ - - 28
(Las Vegas, Vegas Strip incall/outcall)
* * * * * * U P S C A L E . B R U N E T T E . B E A U T Y * * * * * *in-call - 36
(IN-CALL (Rainbow /95))
°°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» SiMpLy☆ °°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» BrEaTh TaK inG; °°* »-(¯`v´¯) - - 22
* * * * * * U P S C A L E . B R U N E T T E . B E A U T Y * * * * * *in-call - 36
(IN-CALL (Rainbow /95))
★ Seen me at the Strip Club Now Come Spend Time With Me ★ Specials ★ Incall/Outcall ★ - 20
(Las Vegas, Incall/Outcall)
NeW ❀Visiting Las Vegas❀ (Øυ†ي†αℕÐiℕ₲ 5✰)—❀•❀—(ℜuي يiαℕ βعαυ†¥) ☎Call Me Now☎ NeW - 20
(Las Vegas, 773-641-1100 * Tropicana Blvd * IC&OC;)
**MATURE 39 ************* ABSOLUTELY NO FAKE PICS !!! STUNNING ************** 702-509-3239 ** LATIN - 39
(Las Vegas, Nv)
*** MATURE 39 #### ************** SIMPLY STUNNING !!! BRUNETTE !! ************ 702-509-3239 ** LATIN - 39
(Las Vegas Nv)
MATURE 39 *************** STOCKINGS AND HEELS ## GUARANTEED NOT A FAKE ! ! ************ 702-509-3239 - 39
(Las Vegas, Nv)
*** Hot Young Blonde *** *** Ready And Eager *** If Its Not Me I Will Entertain You For Free !!** - 21
* * * * * * * * * * * G U I L T Y . P L E A SU R E S * * * * * * * * (in-call) - 38
(Las vegas, IN-CALL * (Rancho / Sahara) * IN-CALL)
★★120 Specials ★New in town ★ Vegas Strip Asian Sexy *** CALL ME 773-627-3884 ★ - - 27
(Las Vegas, Vegas Strip incall/outcall)
Sat 04 Jan
* * * * * * U P S C A L E . B R U N E T T E . B E A U T Y * * * * * * (in-call) - 36
HOT . MATURE . PLAYMATE . . . . ( i n - c a l l ) . . . . DISCREET . UPSCALE . INDEPENDENT - 39
(Las Vegas, INCALL rainbow/westcliff)
Soccer mom✅🔮IN & OUT CAll ✅🔮44FF BOOBS✅🔮curvy mature & sexy ✅🔮blonde MILF ✅🔮✅REAL or I'm FREE 🔮🔮 - 45
(incall/ outcall 702 931-7179✅✅✅✅✅, Las Vegas, South)
*NEW*SeXi (¯` '.¸ ★ ¸..'´¯)ExOtiC (¯ `'.¸ ★ ¸..'´ ¯)FuN (¯`' .¸ ★ ¸..'´¯) ( - 31
(♥ in between the sheets)
⭕⭕⭕MILF ⭕⭕⭕👠👠⭕⭕⭕50 is the new 40⭕ BLONDE MILF 💯%real or FREE ⭕⭕ ⭕⚽️SOCCER MOM⭕⭕⭕44E bIG BOOBS⭕⭕⭕ - 48
(incall by COSMO ⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕, Las Vegas, NorthWest)
MATURE 39 ## ************** SIMPLY STUNNING !!! ** BRUNETTE ************* 702-509-3239 * LATIN *** - 39
(Las Vegas , Nv)
*** Hot Young Blonde *** *** Ready And Eager *** If Its Not Me I Will Entertain You For Free !!** - 21
(Las vegas, IN-CALL* (rainbow/flamingo) * IN-CALL)
H O T . M A T U R E . P L A Y M A T E ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ U P S C A L E . D I S C R E E T . I N C A L L - 38
(Las vegas, IN-CALL ( Sahara / Rancho ) IN-CALL)
*** EXOTIC DREAMS CuhMMING TRUE**~** Jeanie n a bottle RUB ME rite n SEE what happens**~** - 23
(Las Vegas, SinCity baby!! out only)
❎❎❎❎ Dominant/Alpha Male seeking Female Submissive ASSISTANT R U READY 2 GOTO THE NEXT LEVEL$$$$❎❎❎❎
(DMV EAST COAST Mid-West Canada, Las Vegas)