Sun 05 Jan
No Agency...Call me before you call an agency! VERY busty - 25
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip & surrounding areas)
IsLaNd GoDdEsS AvAiLaBlE NoW OuTcAlL 80 100% ReAl GiRl, ReAl PiCs - 30
__________ $UPER HOT A TRUE PLEASER ________ 60/80 $PECIAL$ ________ BIG B00TY!!!! __________ - 24
(Las Vegas)
»-♥ First EVER Available Vegas Native »-♥ LOCAL LOVE ONLY »-♥ Raven Jay »-♥ - 32
(Las Vegas, Your Place Valleywide)
*((•°SEXY°• ..-:¦:-•° ((HOT)) °•..-:¦:-•° exotic ebony LATINA hottie°•))* - 21
(Las Vegas, READY 2PLAY call Now!! Outcall Incall)
Sat 04 Jan
*((•°SEXY°• ..-:¦:-•° ((HOT)) °•..-:¦:-•° exotic ebony LATINA hottie°•))* - 21
(Las Vegas, READY 2PLAY call Now!! Outcall Incall)
**** EXotic*Beauty **** Georgeous***** JustYourType **** 100%Real - 23
(Las Vegas, las vegas Incall 😘outcall ready Now)
🎥🎥Sexy Tatiana come 👀 at my new sexy video ALL natural DDs 🎥🎥 - 21
(Las Vegas, Keys in hand Outcall and Incall)
sPeNd tHe AFTER NOON with an AMAZiNG HOT PeTiTe LaTiNa !!! - 20
*✬* WaRm &CrEaMy; DrEaM CoMe TrUe *So HeAvEnLy& DeLiCiOuS*I CaN GrAnt YoUr WiShEs✬ ° * - 19
(Incall-Henderson/Outcall-Las Vegas)
::-NeW-:: I CaN B YouR LiTtLE SecrET :-24/7-:SeXy & SeducTivE LatinA MixX::-FacE-::
(VegaS BabY! By ThE PalMs...)
Fri 03 Jan
★MiXXeD HoTTiE ★ [WeLcOmE] [tO] [mY] [OaSiS] I MaKe DrEaMs CoMe TrUe - 27
New Girl ✰ 24/7 Rusty N@il »-♥ Looking 4 Regulars ♥ Outcalls - 33
(Las Vegas, Rusty N@!L at YOUR PLACE)
»-♥ First EVER Available Vegas Native »-♥ LOCAL LOVE ONLY »-♥ Raven Jay »-♥ - 32
(Las Vegas, Your Place Valleywide)
VIP Asian treat real hot young body wild and available Jody - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas, your Hotel, South)
♡♡ * TWO * BUSTY * BLONDES * ♡☛ ✷Best Friends~~ ☛☛ ✷RoomMates~~ ♡》* & SOOO MUCH MORE! * ♡♡ - 22
(Las Vegas, OUTCALL, The Strip)
::-NeW-:: i CaN B YouR LiTtLE SecrET :-24/7-:SeXy & SeducTivE HaWaiiAn / LatinA MixX::-FacE-:: - 21
(VegaS BabY! EverYwheRe & AnYwheRe)
Thu 02 Jan
💕NEW💕 Sexy Bubbly Blonde Bunny 💋🐰 💜💜💜TOTAL PACKAGE💜💜💜 - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas OUTCALL ONLY, NorthWest)
~ the ~ best~ you'll ~ ever~ have ~ready ~ and ~ waiting ~ for ~ you ~***100 special*** - 23
(Las Vegas, Your place or mine)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ OUTCALL ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ NEW ★ VEGAS ★ SEXY ★ ASIAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 24
(hotel & Local 24/7, Las Vegas, The Strip)