Mon 27 Jan
Safe, Clean, Private & Fun Incall On The Strip For Working Men To Play w/ A Cute Busty Latina! - 35
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Incall & Outcall)
::*¨¨*:☆ ::*¨¨*:☆ SENT from HEAVEN ♥ and I'M HOT as HELL ☆ ::*¨¨*:☆ ::*¨¨* - 30
(Las Vegas, Outcall Only - Right to your Room)
▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME!! ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥ - 24
(Las Vegas, Outcalls and incalls)
On Strip NOW!! Very Busty Mature Curvy Brunette Discreet & Real - 35
(Las Vegas, Outcall only to hotels)
~~ ~ SEXXXY~ Latina ~ ~ It Doesn't Get Any BETTER!!!! ~ BRAND NEW!!! ~ ~~ 150 SPECIALS!~~ - 23
★____★ Miley ★_____ ★ _ petite_ ((GURANTEE IT'S ME))) ★_____ ★Outcall ★_____ ★ sweet heart - 23
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas *Outcall Only*)
🍦🍦NaStY 21 year old Asian UNLV CoLLegE SeNioR ❤️❤️ Calll or Text ☎️24/7 - 21
(Las Vegas, OUTCALL, The Strip)
💋 MILF - SOCCER MOM - Mature woman for Mature men ONLY pls. - 31
(CLOSE TO THE STRIP - OUTCALL, Las Vegas, The Strip)
💖💕 Midwest Soccer . INDEPENDENT 200 flat 44E BOOBS. green Valley day time incall. / out call - 45
(Las vegas, OUTCALL/ INCALL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)
N__ A__ S__ C__ A__ R invite Me over U"LL have a Blast with this Energetic B__ U__ N__ N__ Y - 21
(Airport Area!!)
⭕MILF⭕👠👠44F BOOBS⭕50 is the new 40⭕ BLONDE 💯%real or FREE ⭕⭕⚽️SOCCER MOM⭕mature 44E bIG BOOBS⭕ - 45
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, ⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕4🌟 in call by wynn)
Let a MATURE woman pleasure you tonight! Beth Rose! Independent and well reviewed! Straight to you! - 43
(Incall off Koval/ Outcall to the Strip, Las Vegas, South)
!!! Lets Have Some Fun Today !!! Independent Russian Lady.... !! Specials !! - 34
(Las Vegas, Vegas Incall / Outcall)
Let this ★ ★ ★ ★ ★-RATED Pixie be your Star Girlfriend for awhile! - 24
(Las Vegas, Just off Strip, Paradise & Harmon)
█► Latina LUV DoLL ◀█ outcall til 7am YES!!! - 21
(Las Vegas, your Hotel room NOW!!)
💋👄(LAST WEEK) Prettiest A S I A N on backpage 🙊 NEW IN VEGAS - 23
(Las Vegas, Outcall to Hotel or Local 24/7, The Strip)
🔴🔴LAS VEGAS 🔴🔴▃▉▉🌟🍭👑SEXY HOT🌟🍭👑▉▉▃▂💚 ▃▃▃▉▉ BEST SERVICE ▉▉▃▃▃ ▂▃▉▉ 7029889664 - 21
(Las Vegas, S Decatur/W Spring Mountain. Special Now, South)
Independent, WELL REVIEWED, Highly Recommended - Sweet, SEXY & SASSY - 27
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas - In & Out)
incall outcall special. Mature! Natural 38DDD's. Highly reviewed. Love to smooch! - 50
(Las Vegas, East of the Strip)
:) SWEET ** Beautiful :) ** INDEPENDENT RED HEAD ** flat rates :) ** Ready for a FANTASTIC TIME????? - 25
Independent Arizona Barbie!!! No hassle fun in VEgas!!! AVaiLabLe ToDaY! : ) - 23
(Las Vegas, Only To You... Outcall)
🐼 💖 Have a FINE little mixed ASIAN in SIN CITY 💋💄😘💯✔ - 31
(Henderson, Las Vegas, Locals, Hotels, Boulder City, Primm)
💖💕 green valley NCALL. l MATURE SOCCER MOM. 100%INDEPENDENT 44E BOOBS. don't fall for a fake - 45
(Las vegas, OUTCALL/ INCALL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)
.*:©:* GORGEOUS *:©:* Independent ** Ready to be PAMPERD *** SWEET Floridian - 26
~~ ~Gorgeous ~Brazilian~ Hottie!!!! ~ It Doesn't Get Any SEXXXIER!!! ~150 SPECIALS!!!! GFE!!! - 21
HaPPY FReAky DaY** LeT'S GeT FReaKY ToGeTHeR **HoT$200h OuTCaLLS**I'm ReADY - 24
(Las Vegas, YOUR PLaCE n LaS VeGAS)
((GORGEOUS )) *°♥•° 1 __ iN __ A__ M_i_LL_i_O_N • °♥•* (( BLONDE)) - - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Baby!!, NorthWest)
have sweet tooth? meet Coco chanel. Fun exotic girl. Sexxy A MUST MEET ** - 21
(Las Vegas, las vegas blvd / silverado ranch)
:::: *Gorgeous Model Playmate* .:: .*Visiting Sin City* :::: - 18
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas and Surroundings)
***** GORGEOUS SNOW BUNNY - All Heart Conditions DO NOT APPLY !! ITS TOO GOOD !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! - 23
((GORGEOUS )) *°♥•° 1 __ iN __ A__ M_i_LL_i_O_N • °♥•* (( BLONDE)) - - 22
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Baby!!)
*~* G0rGeOuS * ~* !!EbOny!! ...♥ petite & curvy * Well Reviewed * 1OO - 21
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas incall/outcall $150)
GFE! SeXy SnOwBuNnY VISITING!! 100% REAL & RecenT PICS! BeautifuL P*ssY! EXPLOSIVE ExperiencE!! GFE! - 21
(Sin City and Surrounding areas outcall!)
EnErGeTiC, SlIpperRy, WiLd anD FuLL Of EnErGy! PetiTe AnD VerY SweEt - 21
(Las Vegas, summerlin/vegas/henderson in/outcalls)
☀☀ EMMA ☀☀ Sweet & Busty ORIENTAL GIRL Love to PAMPER U ☀☀ - 24
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas ~ Outcall to Your Place)
Early Christmas Gift🎁 🌊Super Soaker Party ❄Girl 🍦👅Ready To Play - 22
(Incall - The Strip/Outcall 10+ miles 🚗, Las Vegas, The Strip)
===Down-To-Earth--- Blonde &&& Highly SKILLED.... - 32
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Outcall to Hotels, NorthWest)
♥ ___R-E-A-D-Y___ & W- A- I- T- I- N- G VEGAS ~ OUTCALLS (( LAST DAY )) - 21
(LAST DAY!!! .... OUTCALLS ....)
DOUBLE THE TROUBLE!! ***Two HOT BLONDES!! Pick 1 or lets make a blonde sandwich ;) - 23
(Incall/ Outcall)
✨💕✨Ebony Godess wants to Party with You✨💕💦😍💏 - 23
(Las Vegas, LV Strip/South Point/SouthVegas Outcalls)
!*!*! EarLY MorNinG OuTCaLL SPeCiALs !*!*! GoRgEoUS BRuNeTTe !*!*! ReAL PiCs !*! - 22
(****Outcall Specials ALL MoRnInG****)
!!! Dont Miss Out !!!! Today Only !!! Real Independent Girl !!! Guaranteed !!! - 20
(Las Vegas, Outcall)
▃ 》》☆ E L I T E ♢ UPSCALE ♢ PLAYMATE ☆ 》》♡ A V A I L A B L E NOW ♡ 》》 - 21
(Las Vegas, SouthWest, VEGAS STRIP)
DrOp DeAd gOrGeOuS Big BoOtY FrEaK🌊New 🍒🍹lets get nasty No rush 80💧 - 22
(Las Vegas, The Strip, Vegas Strip)
Dr3Ams Do CUuuMm, tRu3 💋👑🌹 Tr3at YOUrs3lF 😘 - 22
(Henderson, Las Vegas, NorthWest, South, SouthWest, The Strip, Vegas Henderson summerlin strip)