Sat 04 Jan
Your Sexy And Sweet Exotic Puerto Rican Desire Is Ready For Action ! Call Now ! 480-253-2947 **** - 23
(Las Vegas And Surrounding Areas)
~*~* Puerto Rican Eye Candy Has Sunday Specials ! Call For Details ! 480-253-2947 *~~*~ - 23
(Las Vegas And Surrounding Areas)
your puerto rican goddess has landed in las vegas call me at ~~480-253-2947 ~~
(las vegas and sourrounding area)
» (¯`v´ THICK `v´¯) -» (¯`v´ 38DD`v´¯) » (¯`v´HOTT BLOND `v´¯) -» ($$$ SPECIALS$$$) - 24
Video(¯`v´¯)-» Seductively Full GFE ♥ Blue Eyed Blonde ♥ ViXxXen »-(¯`v´¯) Video
(East strip inn call)
TRUE BLISS! STUNNING BEAUTY! 100% Independent 100% Real Photos - Incall or Outcall - 21
(Las Vegas, Incall or Outcall)
➜ ➜ ➜THIS WAY 2 PURE PLEASURE ☆ ☆ - :Video ViXen*¨ inorout - 21
(Las Vegas, in or outcalls YES I'm availabe NOW!!)
________* TaKe A PeEk* @ ThE ★___MAiN ATTRACTiON___ ★ AmAZiNg __*SPECIALS* _____ - 26
~The Last Real Girl In Vegas~ Does HONESTY & Beauty Matter? Look no further 100% INDEPENDENT - 28
(Las Vegas & surrounding, outcall)
Soccer mom✅🔮IN & OUT CAll ✅🔮44FF BOOBS✅🔮curvy mature & sexy ✅🔮blonde MILF ✅🔮✅REAL or I'm FREE 🔮🔮 - 45
(incall/ outcall 702 931-7179✅✅✅✅✅, Las Vegas, South)
💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 SEXY Super Bowl Specials ALL DAY With Sophia !!!!! 💦💦💦 Available NOW !! 💋💋💋💋 - 22
(Las Vegas, INCALL- Tropicana I-15)
Sexy independent 38DD Curvey Blonde Available for Adult Fun - 43
(Las Vegas, Central Las Vegas in call/ out call)
Sexy BLONDE! _______SPECIALS █ --------- ►Do YoU LiKe TaN LiNes Available NOW! - 23
(Las Vegas, out call)
Russian Independent Lady looking to make your Day Exciting !! Specials !! - 32
(Las Vegas, Vegas In/Out)
Russian Independent Lady looking to make your Day Bright !! Specials !! - 32
(Las Vegas, Vegas In/Out)
~*~* Puerto Rican Eye Candy Has Specials ! Call For Details ! 480-253-2947 *~~*~ - 23
(Las Vegas And Surrounding Areas)
(PleAsUrE) .-:¦:-. (IN) -:¦:- (EVERY) :¦:-(WaY) -:¦:- MiXeD eBoNy (FrEAk) -:¦:- SpECiaLz
(My Place or Yours)
*NEW*NEW*NEW* _______ 15O _______ 0UTCALL SPECiALS! __ AVAiLABLE 24 hOURS!! _______ ____ ______L00K! - 22
*NEW*SeXi (¯` '.¸ ★ ¸..'´¯)ExOtiC (¯ `'.¸ ★ ¸..'´ ¯)FuN (¯`' .¸ ★ ¸..'´¯) ( - 31
(♥ in between the sheets)
🍎🍎 NEW 🍎🍎🍎🍎 SWEET, YOUNG, ASIAN 🍎🍎🍎 🍎🍎100% REAL 🍎🍎🍎 - 21
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas Strip, South, The Strip)
NEW IN TOWN (¯`'.¸ ► o°♥o° TASTE "OuR" RAiNB0W o°♥o° ► ¸.'´¯) - 21
(Las Vegas areas Only (strip included))
MIss RED 🍓💔🍒💋😘 come SEE 👀👀 just LANDED ✈️✈️✈️ - 23
(East, Henderson, Las Vegas, North, NorthWest, South, SouthWest)
MY BODYFRIEND TOOK Off and left me hi and dry with all of my things1/ 5/0/ - 24
(Las Vegas, LAS VEGAS IN OR OUT CALL /1//5/0/)
**Mixed Beauty *SuperSexy*What U C is What U Get* HOT Available now*** MORNING SPECIAL - 22
⭕⭕⭕MILF ⭕⭕⭕👠👠⭕⭕⭕50 is the new 40⭕ BLONDE MILF 💯%real or FREE ⭕⭕ ⭕⚽️SOCCER MOM⭕⭕⭕44E bIG BOOBS⭕⭕⭕ - 48
(incall by COSMO ⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕⭕, Las Vegas, NorthWest)
MIDWEST Soccer Mom -----Busty Mature MilF-----super busty 44E BIG BOOBS---SWEET AND SEXY MIDWESTERN - 42
MATURE 39 ## ************** SIMPLY STUNNING !!! ** BRUNETTE ************* 702-509-3239 * LATIN *** - 39
(Las Vegas , Nv)
make your dream come -beautiful gird***asian girds!!!call ahead or just simply walk in 702-Come ch - 25
(Las Vegas)
(¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯)Looking 4 something to DO? Come try out a sweet GA PEACH(¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) - 23
ღßLONDE ßOMß$HELL[702]625-1026ღ ßig LiP$ NiCE RÕuND A$§ ღ1OO% ME Õr it§ FREEღ - 24
(Las Vegas, Your Place. Evening & Nights)
💋 Let me show you what REAL 'southern hospitality" is all about! Lips 💋 hips 💥 fingertips 👋 - 31
(Las Vegas, OUTCALL ONLY Las Vegas!!, South)
__________ L a c e y _____ 1 O O $ S p e c i a l _____ L A S T __ N I G H T __ IN __ TOWN ________ - 20
______________ L A S T ___ D A Y __ i n __ V e g a s ______ 8o $ ___ S P E C I A L _______________ - 20
Las Vegas escorts HOT Brunette 702-478-1501 Actual photos . I offer ALL Entertainment - 26
(Las vegas, las vegas escorts)
Jackpot!!! 💖 Click Here 2 Claim Your Prize 💖 (Arianna) 52*078*4*83*47💖 - 24
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas (Strip))
I'm exactly what you've been looking for!!!! 775**419""8035 call - 32
(Las Vegas, South Strip Las Vegas)
~*~*~* I *~* W I L L *~* B*L*O*W *~* M O R E *~* T H A N *~* J U S T *~* Y O U R *~* M I N D *~*~*~ - 21
I'LL MAKE YOU GO INSANE!!!!!!!! with my late night specials!!!
❤ HOT&SWEET; MODEL * ❤ "WaitiNg FoR YoU HaS MaDe Me So WaRm,TiGhT& DeLiCiOuS"° * - 19
(Incall-Henderson/Outcall-Las Vegas)
~*~ Hot N Sexy ~*~ Willing N Ready ~*~ Well Reviewed ~*~ Call Available Now ~*~ - 25
(Vegas Baby!!!!)
(Las vegas, IN-CALL* (rainbow/flamingo) * IN-CALL)
★ *HoW Wet Do YoU WaNt Me? MaRcH MaDnEsS SpEciALs* Hot, ErOtiC WhiSpErS *☆ - 21
HIGHLY REVIEWED $pecial$!! SkIlLeD » ChArMiNg » Beauty » Ready 2Play... With You! NEW PICS SPECIAL - 22
Hot cougar prowling Vegas! Looking for her prey... Fantastic holiday specials!(702) 706-4171 - 53
(Las Vegas, Strip Area /East Side)
Hello Vegas Jerseystar here I Will Be Arriving Labor Day Weekend Pre-book for Appointment - 30
(near strip (flamingo))
H O T . M A T U R E . P L A Y M A T E ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ U P S C A L E . D I S C R E E T . I N C A L L - 38
(Las vegas, IN-CALL ( Sahara / Rancho ) IN-CALL)