Tue 21 Jan
Wanna Fall In Love👐Full Body💃& Mind💆Tantric Experience💋real woman👸real pix🌃 real good time🎯🏁👀 - 30
(In call out call available, Las Vegas, South, SouthWest, The Strip)
✋STOP being fooled by all these fake adds and pix that ARE NOT REAL!! 👎 SAY YES TO THE REAL THING ME - 30
(East, Henderson, In/Out Call, Las Vegas, North, NorthWest, South, SouthWest, The Strip)
The Body To Body Glide Experience🙌💋... - 30
(East, In/Out Call, Las Vegas, North, NorthWest, SouthWest, The Strip)
✋STOP being fooled by all these fake adds and pix that ARE NOT REAL!! 👎 SAY YES TO THE REAL THING ME - 30
(East, Henderson, In or Out Call, Las Vegas, South, SouthWest, The Strip)
🙌 Hands On You Hands On Me 🙌 Just What The Doctor👷 Ordered💆 🙌 Great Touch & Great Time I Guaranty It - 30
(East, Henderson, IN & OUT CALL AVAILABLE, Las Vegas, North, NorthWest, South, SouthWest, The Strip)