Mon 27 Jan
° GiRLS LiKe ME°?°° R OnE Of a KiNd $80SP U WiLL LuV ThE wAy We SpeNd OuR TiMe °?°° - 26
(Las Vegas, STRiP InCaLL/OutCaLL ValleyWide)
Tue 21 Jan
daaamn- booty- will- have- u- standing- at- attention!! Come FEEL IT... - 27
(Las Vegas, Outcall valleywide)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTiON ** XXpLoSiVE PLeAsUrE *-:¦:-* SeXy ExOtiC MiXeD ViXeN *-:¦:-* N@UgHtY SPCLS - 26
(Las Vegas, Incall (Off-Strip)/Outcall Valleywide)
Flexable Rates ___ New to Vegas ___ Sexy, Mature, Petite, Playmate ___ Willing to Please ____ XOXOXO - 26
(Las Vegas BLVD/Incall/Outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
The Say Pregnant is the best... I'm Wet, waiting, and willing... What are you waiting for??? - 21
💗💋(๏人 ๏)☆ ╠╣ot! ☆ ╠╣ot! ☆ •°•°•Fetish Friendly ...Super Busty •°•°• 🎱At Ur Service SPECIALS - 28
(Las Vegas, Outcall Valleywide/Pvt SW Incall)
Thu 09 Jan
The Say Pregnant is the best... I'm Wet, waiting, and willing... What are you waiting for??? - 21
Wed 08 Jan
The Say Pregnant is the best... I'm Wet, waiting, and willing... What are you waiting for??? - 21
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
☆ i'M (( yOuR )) #1 ChOiCe ☆ ☆ tHe (( NaUghTiEsT )) pLaYmAtE ☆$99 sPeCiaL - 26
(STRiP InCaLL/OutCaLL ValleyWide)
Sun 05 Jan
(( EPl!C!T CoNtEnT )) ----- gAmE DaY SpEcIaLs -- LaTiNa / eBoNy _ GoOoOoO LaKeRz - 26
Sat 04 Jan
💗💋(๏人 ๏)☆ ╠╣ot! ☆ ╠╣ot! ☆ •°•°•Fetish Friendly ...Super Busty •°•°• 🎱At Ur Service SPECIALS - 28
(Las Vegas, Outcall Valleywide/Pvt SW Incall)
Fri 03 Jan
(( ExXxPl!C!T CoNtEnT )) ----- gAmE DaY SpEcIaLs -- LaTiNa / eBoNy _ GoOoOoO LaKeRz - 26
Thu 02 Jan